Friday, February 5, 2010


It sucks not having the internet for almost a whole month. It seems technology really has taken over the 21st century. I felt trapped and used my hiptop to at least have access to the internet but even that wasn't the same. So I would result into going to the library.
I'm finally going to begin my applied to fashion design and technology course on monday and I went to the orientation yesterday which was the most boring 3 hours of my life. They had blah blahed on topics such as counsellors and occupational health and safety. I just want to sew full stop.
Anywho after that my friend and I went to spotlight and bought equipment that we need for the course at liverpool. Then we spotted a St Vinnies store with $2 racks outside which we ran straight for..I had just gotten maybe halfway through the store and had maybe 9 items already in my hand. The bonus to undergoing this course is that we're going to learn how to resize items... so I had a few things I am looking into resizing and redesigning certain items.
here are the things I decided to go with...

this I purchased because it had vibrant colours and seems like it fits in 2010..not that that really mattered.

this in the back of my head..i dont really suit mustard. but it was so cute and has powerful shoulders which I guess was big in the 80's. The spotty thing just made the whole jacket work but its a random flap of material that is connected by a button which i think i will sew on.
This was just cute and can go with any ensemble..and kind of reminded me a bit of jenny from gossip girl..just something about it.
this I swear I saw from two racks it obvious I'm smitten with patterns

I loved the colours of this shirt which I am considering wearing tonight to my friends

This I will crop to make a nice spring maybe even autumn jacket since the pattern seems to convey sort of either season.
A little OTT..I know..but the drapery around the neck was fabulous and the pattern is a rose which sounds lame but my middle name LOL.

I was in Tasmania last week for a couple of days with my mum and well there wasn't a St Vinnies there but there was a salvo which I know will make me sound like a tightass but it costs a bit more..but i found two items which weren't that bad and seemed to compliment each other.

Now if you tucked in this short sleeved tucked in the high waisted skirt looks pretty rad.

This is not a op-shop purchase more of a chain retail store purchase but it was cute and was only $10

I probably should stop shopping for a while coz I have to save something for the future saving..ok not really

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